
Mukherjee, K; Brocchieri, L; Bürglin, TR. 2009. A comprehensive classification and evolutionary analysis of plant homeobox genes. Mol Biol Evol. 26(12):2775-94 PubMed


Class: TF
Number of species containing the TAP: 100
Number of available proteins: 1448

The colour code corresponds to the rules for the domains:

should be contained
should not be contained

Domain rules:

(Domain names are clickable)

Phylogenetic tree for Archeaplastida:

No tree was calculated yet.

TAP distribution:

The following table shows the distribution of HD_PLINC over all species included in TAPscan. The values for e.g. a specific kingdom are shown in the tree below if you expand the tree for that kingdom.

Minimum Maximum Average Median Standard deviation

List of species containing HD_PLINC sorted by kingdomcladesupergrouporderfamily:

hide all | show all

expand kingdom Archaeplastida (1548 proteins in 100 species)
select all | unselect | select genome only

A list of species letter codes included in the protein names can be found here (opens in new tab).
