TAP Alfin-like in Spirogyra sp.

Full lineage¹: cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Zygnematophyceae; Zygnematophycidae; Zygnematales; Zygnemataceae; Spirogyra; unclassified Spirogyra

Protein source: Delaux et al. (2015) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:13390-5

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List of proteins (4)

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c0_seq1_5_rccomp7573_c0_seq1_5 [1026 - 250] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1154 path=[1:0-151 153:152-153 155:154-204 206:205-224 226:225-638 640:639-1153]
c0_seq2_3_rccomp7573_c0_seq2_3 [675 - 250] (REVERSE SENSE) len=753 path=[1:0-151 153:152-153 155:154-204 206:205-224 226:225-638 2821:639-649 2594:650-668 2613:669-752]
c1_seq2_5_rccomp7969_c1_seq2_5 [1116 - 526] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1872 path=[1:0-687 689:688-1030 2974:1031-1321 3265:1322-1605 1032:1606-1653 4538:1654-1654 1080:1655-1871]
c1_seq4_5_rccomp7969_c1_seq4_5 [1149 - 526] (REVERSE SENSE) len=1297 path=[1:0-687 689:688-1030 1032:1031-1078 4538:1079-1079 1080:1080-1296]
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A list of species letter codes included in the protein names can be found here (opens in new tab).

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¹ Information recieved using NCBI E-utilities and NCBI taxonomy database.