TAP TUB in Spirogyra sp.

Full lineage¹: cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Zygnematophyceae; Zygnematophycidae; Zygnematales; Zygnemataceae; Spirogyra; unclassified Spirogyra

Protein source: Delaux et al. (2015) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112:13390-5

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List of proteins (16)

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c0_seq11_2[827 - 1417] len=1711 path=[7744:0-359 6634:360-386 3203:387-635 4853:636-890 3452:891-1150 3712:1151-1302 3864:1303-1710]
c0_seq12_1[278 - 1318] len=1612 path=[7744:0-359 6634:360-386 3203:387-635 3452:636-895 3712:896-1047 7267:1048-1203 3864:1204-1611]
c0_seq13_1[278 - 1162] len=1456 path=[7744:0-359 6634:360-386 3203:387-635 3452:636-895 3712:896-1047 3864:1048-1455]
c0_seq14_2[383 - 832] len=1126 path=[5841:0-409 3712:410-561 7267:562-717 3864:718-1125]
c0_seq15_2[383 - 676] len=970 path=[5841:0-409 3712:410-561 3864:562-969]
c0_seq1_6[1900 - 2646] len=2940 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 6274:1073-1432 6634:1433-1459 3203:1460-1708 4853:1709-1963 3452:1964-2223 3712:2224-2375 7267:2376-2531 3864:2532-2939]
c0_seq3_5[1351 - 2391] len=2685 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 6274:1073-1432 6634:1433-1459 3203:1460-1708 3452:1709-1968 3712:1969-2120 7267:2121-2276 3864:2277-2684]
c0_seq4_4[493 - 1509] len=2553 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 3203:1073-1321 4853:1322-1576 3452:1577-1836 3712:1837-1988 7267:1989-2144 3864:2145-2552]
c0_seq5_5[1351 - 2235] len=2529 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 6274:1073-1432 6634:1433-1459 3203:1460-1708 3452:1709-1968 3712:1969-2120 3864:2121-2528]
c0_seq6_4[493 - 1509] len=2397 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 3203:1073-1321 4853:1322-1576 3452:1577-1836 3712:1837-1988 3864:1989-2396]
c0_seq7_4[493 - 2004] len=2298 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 3203:1073-1321 3452:1322-1581 3712:1582-1733 7267:1734-1889 3864:1890-2297]
c0_seq8_4[493 - 1848] len=2142 path=[2132:0-31 4272:32-83 2215:84-115 4422:116-117 2249:118-135 2266:136-1072 3203:1073-1321 3452:1322-1581 3712:1582-1733 3864:1734-2141]
c0_seq9_2[827 - 1573] len=1867 path=[7744:0-359 6634:360-386 3203:387-635 4853:636-890 3452:891-1150 3712:1151-1302 7267:1303-1458 3864:1459-1866]
c0_seq1_5[619 - 2040] len=2376 path=[2354:0-1225 3580:1226-1817 4172:1818-2375]
c0_seq2_3[100 - 963] len=1299 path=[4856:0-148 3580:149-740 4172:741-1298]
c0_seq3_1[93 - 392] len=728 path=[5028:0-84 5113:85-169 4172:170-727]
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A list of species letter codes included in the protein names can be found here (opens in new tab).

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¹ Information recieved using NCBI E-utilities and NCBI taxonomy database.